Please bear with me as I work out my blog’s appearance problems…
There was an update to the blog theme and I updated it and then my header was no longer clickable, so I was trying to fix that and pasted the wrong code in or something and now there’s no background. I’m trying to figure it out, so don’t give up on me 🙂
Update: Ok, I have the background corrected now…whew! 🙂 Now I have to redo the image map to make the header image clickable again. Every time there’s a theme update, my header isn’t clickable anymore. So I’d backed up the header html last time and today I pasted it back in so it would be clickable again and the background disappeared and it still wasn’t clickable. Trying to fix the header now…
Update: Whew..everything is back in place and clickable now. Ugh…I hate it when that happens 🙂 I don’t have a big team helping me like Krazy Coupon Lady does, this blog maintenance is just me, myself, and I 🙂