End of the Age Updates for 5/29

Please forgive my absence this past week.  It was a very very difficult week for me as my mom had to go into a nursing home last Tuesday and last Sunday about this time I found out it was going to definitely be happening. Her dementia was also upgraded to Alzheimer’s the morning before she went in 🙁 I’ve always been very close to my mom and she is such a wonderful and Godly woman I owe everything to.  It’s been a very painful time and I needed to focus on that. I’m a very passionate, sentimental girl so it’s really knocked me for a loop.  Prayers appreciated!  I’d appreciate your prayers for direction as well. God knows all about it.

So…on with what’s happening in the Kingdom!

End of the Age Updates for May 29

I was reading comments about the news of Jan Crouch having suffered a major stroke  (remember her in your prayers) and one sad comment really summed up what our world looks like today and I thought I would use that as my introduction to today’s End of the Age Updates post:  “The world is becoming dark at a RAPID rate.  He may choose to take her home to spare her of all that is facing us. His will be done.”  


Pastor J.D. Farag’s Mid-East Prophecy Update for 5/29/16:

The Hal Lindsey Report:

Jack Van Impe Presents:

Christ in Prophecy (David Reagan): “An Overview of Revelation”

Prophecy in the News (Gary Stearman):  “Islam, Religion of War or Peace?” (With Billy Crone)

“Mistaken Identity”:

Prophecy Watchers (also Gary Stearman):  “Ron Rhodes:  Prophecy and the Bible”

John Holler from Fellowship Bible Chapel, Columbus, Ohio – “As it Was in the Days of”

Israeli News Live (Steven Ben DeNoon):  “G7 Summit’s Decision May Ignite War with Russia”

“Tensions Mount As US Sends another Wave of Troops To The Balkans”:

Other Videos from this past week by Steven:

Russian News Reports: US Plans For Nuclear War

The Real Reason Why Pope Francis Meet Egyptian Imam Tayeb

Syrian Cease Fire Shattered By Turkish Backed Militants

Come Out of Her, My People

RFID Chip Put Into Action – Is It The Mark Of The Beast?

The Superior Word Prophecy Update May 22 2016:

Skywatch TV:  “SkyWatchTV News 5/26/16: Russia Moves Three Divisions to NATO Borders”:

Confusion in EgyptAir Crash Investigation:

Other Reports from this Past Week from Sky News:

Pentagon Developing Autonomous AI Killer Robot Swarm

Surprising New Hope for Third Temple

Pope Says Muslims, Christians Share ‘Idea of Conquest’

“His Channel:  World News Briefing”Barry Stagner with Tom Huges 5/26/16 (click on image below to bring up page):

World News Briefing by His Channel

Perry Stone of Mannafest: “Prophetic Update on Recent Events 805”:

New Evidence of a Pre Tribulation Coming of Christ:


I’m not necessarily endorsing the following videos, but think they may warrant our consideration. Most are from this past week, a few may be a bit older. Share what you think!

L.A.Marzulli “Near Death Experiences -NDE’s”:

DAHBOO77 “Plague of Boiles Strikes Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan”:

Dutchinse: “Global Earthquake Forecast — West Pacific, Europe, Americas”:

Chuck Missler Nephilim Rephaim Anakim Emim:

Articles of Concern:

Tracking Bible Headlines – 5/29/2016:

(Thanks to Tracking Bible Prophecy)

We are on the brink of another coalition crisis, says senior Likud MK

Arab League chief calls Israel a ‘bastion of fascism’

Arab League endorses French peace initiative

Palestinian Leader Wants Time Cap for Any Talks With Israel

Abbas: Yes, Palestinians incite, but so does Israel

U.S. commander warns that Iraqi forces may face resistance in key urban fight

IS ‘attacks rebel-held Syria town’

‘Islamic State’ tunnels found in Falluja

ISIS fighters seem to trying to sell sex slaves online

Pakistani men can beat wives ‘lightly’, say Islamic council

Hopes for Peace Dim With New Taliban Leader

US blocks cluster-bomb sales to Saudis: report

Iran’s leader calls for vigilance against West’s ‘soft war’

8 Iranian missile launches since nuke deal signed, expert tells US Congress

Russian President Vladimir Putin warns he’ll retaliate against NATO missiles

1,400 US soldiers & 400 vehicles head to Baltics for Saber Strike drills

Greece’s Tsipras condemns sanctions against Russia

Venezuela Drifts Into New Territory: Hunger, Blackouts and Government Shutdown

Poll finds Venezuela shortages to exceed 80 percent

Former Morgan Stanley Chief Asia Economist: “Don’t Listen To The Ruling Elite, The World Economy Is In Real Trouble”

A Worrisome Pileup of $100 Million Homes

Clinton email headache is about to get worse

100ft from disaster: Drone flown ‘intentionally’ at passenger jet taking off nearly causes mid-air smash

Nepal unveils $9 billion budget focused on quake reconstruction

Series of high-magnitude earthquakes around the world

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Lakhdaria, Algeria

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Aileu, East Timor

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Sinabung volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ft

Tropical Storm Bonnie Forms Off Carolinas as Deadly Flooding Overwhelms Texas

Lightning Injures Several People in France and Germany

Once dismissed, shark attacks may hit new record in 2016

Zika crisis: WHO rejects ‘move Rio Olympics’ call

Zika virus expert warns tourists to ‘think twice’ about trips to Disney World

Netherlands to grow human embryos for research

United Methodist Church Backs Off Abortion

Canada’s Trudeau defends assisted suicide bill as deadline nears

CA law allows transplants between HIV-positive patients, donors

Multi-faith transgender women compete in first-ever Miss Trans Israel pageant

It’s Official: Major Apparitions of Mary Are Approved

Pleading for Peace in Chicago: ‘We Could Be Looking at a Blood Bath’


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