Merry Christmas to all my readers! No, I’m not online right now; I have scheduled this ahead of time to go out to you on Christmas Day. God willing, I am happily sharing Christmas with my family as you are reading this. I wish you a very merry CHRIST mas and a Happy, Happy, Happy New Year! Yes, I know, Jesus wasn’t really born on December 25th, but the important thing is that we recognize His birth regardless of when it actually took place! If I could choose one gift for you, it would be that you would come to know the Christ child, Jesus, in a true and authentic way and that you will be like the wise men of long ago and recognize the value in seeking Him…still.
Never forget that the true meaning of Christmas is not wrapped up in shiny paper and ribbons, but was wrapped up in swaddling clothes over 2,000 years ago and laid in a manger. That He left the paradise of heaven willingly to come to this sinful, lost world intentionally…for you and I. Why? To pay a debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay. He did it for YOU…and He did it for ME. Never forget that He trod the same earth that you and I walk every day and faced the same temptations that you and I do every day. Never forget that He took our place when He chose the nails…the death on the cross and the resurrection 3 days later and that he ascended to the right hand of the Father where he ever lives to make intercession for us all. But right now we celebrate the beginning…of His life on this earth as a human anyway. Wise men do indeed STILL seek Him!