Time. It’s the great thief, it seems. It’s been said to thank God for unanswered prayer. But I say, God ALWAYS answers prayer for the ones who follow Him and seek Him. It’s one of three things: Yes, No, or Wait.
We tend to forget the third answer. Sometimes even “no” feels easier to accept than “wait”. Wait takes patience and who among is can really say that patience is one of our virtues? I know I can’t. I used to kid as a young believer that I never ask God for patience because He never just hands it to you. He lets you go through trials that TEACH you patience. Ugh. Been there way too often! But really, when God is saying wait, we need to learn to trust that He is wanting the best for us and the best for us individually or within our family unit may just be “wait”. It may be that the Lord sees down the road where the thing we are praying for will be for our best, but it will be for our VERY best down the road.
The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us how important it is to know that there IS a time for everything. Not everything can happen at once and be for our benefit:
There is a wonderful devotion on waiting for God’s time that I read recently and instead of adding more to this topic myself, I will direct you to the one I really enjoyed. Click HERE to check out the devotion on, “Waiting on God -How to trust in God’s Timing.”
I’m in the midst of learning to trust God’s timing myself. Still. Again 🙂 Learn along with me!