Hump Day High-Value Coupons 4/20

I’ve been working on getting printables up so hard of late I’ve gotten behind on my regular posts the past few days.  Here are your weekly hump-day high high-value coupons for the week.  Coupons that save you $1.50 and higher. The ones you don’t want to miss! 🙂

Hump Day High-Value Coupon Alert for 3/2/16

I’m still working on the web design of the blog, but in wanting to stay caught up with my weekly schedule, I share with you the high-value printable coupons for $1.50 and over.  These are the ones you don’t want to miss.  The ones you want to print before they’re … Continue reading

Hump Day High (High Value Coupons Alert) for 2/10

Here is your list of the highest value coupons you can print for this week. The ones you don’t want to miss!  Fire up your printer and print some of these out for the highest savings!

Weekly High-Value Printable Coupon Alert for 3/20

Before I got sick, I started a new blog series where I will post the highest value printable coupons you can print from each week (the ones you want to make sure not to miss!). I’ll be running this series on Wednesdays or Thursdays and post all the … Continue reading

Weekly High Value Printable Coupons Alert for 3/6

I’ve decided to start a new blog series to post the highest value coupons you can print from each week (the ones you want to make sure not to miss!).  I’ll run it on Wednesdays or Thursdays and post all the coupons I can find that are $1.50 … Continue reading